Sunday, July 18, 2010

Publishing Prices

Every morning I, like so many of my generation, have a routine. I get fresh water for the most perfect dog in the world; next, I give him his breakfast, and then; fresh coffee for me.

I place myself in front of the computer and click on Google News, then The Los Angeles Times and finally, The New York Times. This Sunday morning, all three had published an article on Aetna's decision to limit choices of physicians in the San Diego area. Aetna argues that the choices need to be limited due to costs. Sounds very much like the return to the days of old when the insurers pushed HMO plans. To me, not much has changed.

Note that this was NOT a government mandate. It was free enterprise trying to control costs by limiting consumer choices. This brings me to back to and the stock market-nice segue?

I research stock prices every day. it's easy as every internet outlet publishes prices throughout the day, perhaps delayed by 20 minutes. My broker provides on time pricing. When I research prices for tools on Amazon or Criagslist, they do likewise. Prices change based on demand and supply, just like we were all brainwashed into believing they should!

But when was the last time medical providers published their prices and allowed consumers to choose? Other than for some cosmetic procedures (think dental veneers, face peeling etc.), I just don't recall seeing prices. I can't shop for my cholesterol test by price. Can't do it for my EKG or treadmill either.

I just have to believe that consumers, paying more and more out of their own pockets for every medical procedure, would make different choices if they could shop using the same rationale they use to consume other services and goods.

Why didn't Aetna negotiate with their network providers to publish all prices rather than limit choices?

Don't know.

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